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Recent Elk River 5 News

Can you help out?

By Coach Tim 05/24/2018, 7:15am CDT

The Elk River Baseball Association is looking for support in fund raising this year. The association is taking an approach asking for donations online instead of selling things like cards, pizza's, or salt. This allow a larger portion of the funds to go directly to us instead of the fund raising companies. Anything helps, if you are able and willing please donate at and click on donate. 10, 20, 50, anything helps. 

The money goes to new equipment and improved field resources. If  you have not checked out the dugouts at YAC, you have to see them. Very nice.


Today's Game 5/24/18 - Rogers 2

By Coach Tim 05/24/2018, 7:00am CDT

ER5 vs R2

Hello players and fans, today we play Rogers 2 at Prairie Park Otsego. The address is :

13355 90th St NE Otsego, MN 55330 (County Rd. 39 to Nashua Ave NE - South to 90th St NE - West to park on left) 

As usually, do your best to get the players there by 5:45, we will not have practice on Monday, so every minute does count. It will be hot, bring lots of water.   Map:


Today's Game 5/22/18

By Coach Tim 05/22/2018, 10:15am CDT

ER5 vs Z3

Today we play at Zimmerman. I know it won't be easy but make every effort to be there by 5:30. The address is to Randy Johnson field 1 is 3200 Main Street ,Minnesota,55398 and here is a link with more info is



We are down to 9 so please let me know immediately if there is any issues.